




St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church

Our Parish

Our spiritual leadership, which inspires and motivates the flock with good example and love, sets the course for true growth in the vineyard of Christ.

Our Faith

Orthodox Christians believe that through Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, God chose to get close to us, embrace us, and show His love for us.


The Parish Council is made up of adult members of the church community, elected by the general membership, including the parish priest. 

ICON Login

Our church community is highly active and involved. ICON allows our organizations to more efficiently interact with its members and the community as a whole.

Interested in Orthodoxy?

Schedule an Appointment with Fr. Nick

st george clergy and staff

Our Clergy & Staff

The spiritual leadership at St. George, which inspires and motivates the flock with good example and love, sets the course for true growth in the vineyard of Christ. Saint George derives its ecclesiastical authority from the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. All the administrative authority of the Church is vested in the Pastor and the Parish Council.

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